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10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Cats





Cats have a ton of strange habits that make no sense to humans. They run around chasing invisible mice in the middle of the night. They demand belly rubs and then attack your hands when you give in. One minute they pretend you don’t exist and the next, they’re all over your laptop. Cat habits often drive their humans crazy but in a sick, twisted way, that’s the reason cat lovers can’t get enough of them!

So for all of you who are completely puzzled by your cat’s behavior, don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, being confused about what your cat wants (or doesn’t want) is such a common issue that we’ve decided to shed some light on some of their weird habits.

1. When cats blink slowly at you, they’re not being divas. It’s a sign that they trust you enough to close their eyes around you.

Source: Giphy
2. A cat’s purr can mean three things: It signals to their mother (or carer that they’re okay); it shows friendliness and happiness; or it can be them trying to calm themselves when they’re scared or in pain.

Source: Giphy
3. A cat’s purr can reach a frequency of 26 Hertz. This frequency can help them heal themselves.

Source: Giphy
4. Meowing is a cat’s means of communication with humans. Cats barely meow at one another, as their way of communication can’t be heard by human ears.

Source: Giphy
5. When a cat rubs against your leg it’s like giving someone a hug. Cats also do this to each other when they run into a familiar cat they haven’t seen in a long time.

Source: Giphy
6. Cats instantly jump into boxes because they see it as a safe place to hide, and as a place where they can hide before lunging at prey. Boxes also tend to be warm and cats love that!

Source: Giphy
7. When a cat grooms you, it’s like saying you’re part of his/her family.

Source: Giphy
8. Cats swallow their food without chewing because they only have few molars for chewing. Their teeth are primarily made for biting and tearing off meat.

Source: Giphy
9. Cats don’t understand the concept of punishment. They don’t relate what they did with the punishment you give them. Instead, they are better at repeating behaviors that are rewarded.

Source: Giphy
10. Cats can see in the dark. They need only 1/6th of the light humans need to see. That’s why they can hunt so well at night!

Source: Giphy

What other cat facts do you know? Share them with us below!

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