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12 Obvious Ways to Solve Famous Movie Plots in Seconds





All stories present a predicament that the main character must solve. That problem is essential for it determines our protagonist’s subsequent course of action; hence, making the plot stronger and more interesting…or not.

Take, for instance, Matt Damon’s movie, “The Martian.” Damon played the role of an astronaut left behind Mars when his team thought he died during a fierce storm. Of course, he had to find a way to get back home. More so, to tell the people back on Earth that he was still alive.

Just imagine being on a different planet; there are no oxygen, food, water, or friends to help you. Help is less than a lightyear away. How will he survive then? How will he solve his problems?

Now, isn’t that a great plot?

Some people think that there are movies with obstacles that can be solved instantly—like within a few seconds perhaps—and that the solutions are pretty obvious.

Take a look at these 12 movies (in fact, most are blockbuster hits) and the suggested solutions. Tell us if you agree with them or not.



Source: VirginAndy




Source: Izz0101


Source: JarOCats










Source: Weresquirrel


Source: T.S. Obiech


Source: VirginAndy
And last, but not the least…

And last, but not the least...

So, what do you think?

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