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15 Simple Hacks That Can Save Your Life One Day




#6. Carry anti-allergy (antihistamines) meds with you at all times.


Source: Pinterest

Allergies can be life-threatening. Plus, you never know when an allergic reaction may happen. Having antihistamine pills on hand at all times can help not only you, but other people, as well. Carry your anti-allergy stash with you wherever you travel.

#7. Know your body’s endurance limits based on the Rule of Three.


What is the Rule of Three? Based on a number of studies, the average person can survive within these parameters:

• 3 minutes without air
• 3 days without water
• 3 weeks without food

These useful rules of thumb will save your life if you find yourself in a perilous situation.

#8. If your cooking catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the flames.


When your dish ignites in the pan, never use water to put it out. Especially if your cooking contains fat or oil. Water particles will end up at the bottom of the pan where they will evaporate and make the flames even bigger. Instead, turn off the gas, and cover your pan with a lid to cut off the heat and oxygen supply feeding the flames.

#9. Never remove a knife or sharp object from a wound.


According to medical experts, removing a knife or sharp object from a puncture wound will cause massive loss of blood, one of the most dangerous consequences of stab wounds. To minimize bleeding, keep the sharp object in the wound, and surround it with bandages until medical help arrives.

#10. The most dangerous times during a flight.

Air Travel

Be aware and alert during the first three minutes after takeoff and the last eight minutes just before landing. Based on research, 80% of plane crashes occur within these time periods. Be vigilant and memorize emergency exits and protocols.

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