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20 of the Funniest Bathroom Door Signs EVER





Public toilets usually have signs on the door for a specific purpose – to help people determine which room they should use whenever they need to go.

Although quite useful, these door signs often do not get a lot of attention. We just give them a quick glance and that’s it. We’re done with them.

There are, however, some door signs that are much catchier than the plain old “men” and “women” ones – such as these clever, hilarious signs that we’ve featured below. Some of these signs, however, can be a bit more confusing to figure out, especially if you’ve already had several liquor shots or a few bottles of beer.

Go scroll down and see for yourself:

#1. Such a creative way of using a bottle and a glass.

#1. Such a creative way of using a bottle and a glass.

Source: Julie Linley
#2. Shots fired!

#2. Shots fired!

Source: Inge Vernooy
#3. You won’t get this one unless you paid attention to your high school teacher back in the days.

#3. You won't get this one unless you paid attention to your high school teacher back in the days.

Source: Unknown
#4. That’s really an accurate door sign!

#4. That's really an accurate door sign!

Source: supreme407
#5. This one is for a unisex toilet.

#5. This one is for a unisex toilet.

#6. Rainclouds and flower plants.

#6. Rainclouds and flower plants.

#7. Get it? I’m sure you did!

#7. You easily got this one, I'm sure!

Source: Unknown
#8. Trying to recycle some old shoes, I guess?

#8. Trying to recycle some old shoes, I guess?

Source: HGL
#9. Gotta admit I love the classy artwork and colors of this one.

#9. Gotta admit I love the classy artwork and colors of this one.

Source: Unknown
#10. A geeky restroom for everyone.

#10. A geeky restroom for everyone.

Source: Reddit
#11. As they say, toilets can really be dirty sometimes.

#11. As they say, toilets can really be dirty sometimes.

Source: Unknown
#12. Exactly how everyone feels before going on a bathroom break.

#12. Exactly how everyone feels before going on a bathroom break.

Source: Behshana
#13. Meaning most men usually do not cover the toilet?

#13. Meaning most men usually do not cover the toilet?

Source: Unknown
#14. Whether you’re drunk or not, this can be quite confusing.

#14. I bet drunk people have often been confused with these signs.

Source: Unknown
#15. Restroom signs on a Google office ???

#15. Restroom signs on a Google office ???

Source: Olagon
#16. Pacman and Ms. Pacman.

#16. Pacman and Ms. Pacman.

#17. Be thankful that at least the standard “men” and “women” signs were added here.

#17. Toilet users better be thankful that at least the standard “men” and “women” signs were added here.

Source: Unknown
#18. This would be terribly difficult to explain for a child.

#18. This would be terribly difficult to explain for a child.

#19. Something classy (but still hilarious).

#19. Something classy (but still hilarious).

#20. Believe it or not, the men’s room is on the left one.

#20. Believe it or not, the men's room is on the left one.

Source: mollykate86

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