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5 Scientific Selfie Facts That You Should Know. #5 is Most Important!





2. Your Selfies can reveal your personality!

Ever wondered why some people love doing duckfaces on their pictures? Or why they keep on doing the same angle over and over again? Well a person’s favorite pose may be influenced by their personality, as shown by a research conducted by Lin Qiu from the Nanyang Technological Institute of Singapore.

What does your selfie pose say about you?


Photo credit:,

The discovery:
-Duckfaces are linked to neuroticism and emotional instability
-Lower camera angles and brighter filters are linked to extroversion and openness
-Secrecy in the selfie’s locations are associated with conscientiousness and even paranoia, hinting the value of privacy.

How the research was conducted:
113 study subjects were asked to complete a personality assessment questionnaire. Next, a set of their selfies were obtained and the dominant characteristics of their selfies were noted using imaging techniques. Their personality traits and their predominant selfie poses were then correlated together.

How about men who takes lots of selfies, what’s up with that? Find out on the next page!

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