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9 Delicious Waffles You Can Find Around The World





Waffles are undoubtedly one of the best breakfast foods you can have. They taste amazing whether you’re going for something sweet or opt for a savory meal. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that waffles are enjoyed around the world.

Although you can easily identify a waffle in any form, there are several interesting ways to enjoy them. For instance, Americans love eating their waffles with some crispy fried chicken while the Japanese enjoy it with a yummy red bean filling. Here are nine different and delicious ways you can have waffles around the world.

#1. Stroopwafels – Netherlands

Let’s start off with a truly amazing treat. In the Netherlands, stroopwafels are made from two thin layers of baked dough with a caramel syrup filling in the middle.

Although they are popular throughout the Netherlands, stroopwafels actually originated in the Dutch city of Gouda.

#2. Belgian Waffles – Belgium

Who could resist these fluffy snacks? Belgian waffles are already yummy on their own. However, they are usually taken to a new level when you add butter, fruit, whipped cream, or chocolate.

#3. Chicken And Waffles – USA

There is something truly comforting about the salty-sweet combination of fried chicken and waffles. It’s a meal that is truly popular for late night dining.

The dish originated from the Southern states of the US. However, it became popular in the 1930s when it was served by a Harlem restaurant called Well’s Supper Club.

#4. Rosettes – Scandinavia

These crispy, cookie-like waffle originated from Sweden and Norway. However, it can also be found in Finland and even the US.

Rosettes are popular Christmas treats that require a specific iron. Their pretty shape makes them a favorite for people of all ages.

#5. Pizzelles – Italy

Here’s another waffle that has an ornate pattern. Pizzelles are also different from other waffles for their unique flavors.

There are several Pizzelle flavors. You can try it in chocolate, vanilla, citrus, caramel, or sweet anise.

#6. Taiyaki – Japan

Don’t be fooled by the shape of the Taiyaki. This tasty waffle is anything but fishy. In fact, it’s actually filled with a sweet red bean paste.

You won’t have a hard time looking for these treats in Japan. They are usually sold by street vendors so you can have it fresh and hot at any time.

#7. Kanom Rung Peung – Thailand

These coconut waffles are irresistible for more than just the taste. People simply can’t get enough of the unique pattern which can be broken off to look like a little heart.

#8. Egg Bubble Waffle – Hong Kong

Although it’s simply called an egg waffle, people also refer to these sweet fluffy snacks as egg bubble waffle because of its unique look.

The waffle is sweet on its own. However, you can choose to top it off with ice cream and chocolate.

#9. Pão De Queijo – Brazil
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PÃO DE QUEIJO CASEIRO 😍 . . INGREDIENTES: 500g de polvilho doce ou azedo (desta vez, usei o doce); 250ml de água; 250ml de leite; 125ml de óleo; 01 ovo; 02 colheres de chá de sal. . . QUEIJOS: 200g de mussarela 01 pacotinho (50g ou 100g) de parmesão ralado . ** O tipo de queijo é totalmente à gosto. Pode ser meia cura, minas padrão, enfim, o que tiver em casa.** . . MODO DE PREPARO: 1- Em uma panela coloque a água, o leite, o óleo, o sal e deixe ferver. 2- Quando levantar fervura, desligue o fogo e despeje (escaldar) sobre o polvilho. 3- Misture bem com uma colher e deixe esfriar por alguns minutos. 4- Feito isso, adicione os queijos e amasse com as mãos. 5- Agora, adicione o ovo e misture muito bem com as mãos, até a massa ficar homogênea e não grudar nas mãos. . **NESTE MOMENTO, PROVE A MASSA E ACERTE O SAL SE NECESSÁRIO** . 6- Faça bolinhas do tamanho que desejar. 7- Asse em forno pré aquecido à 200°C por aproximadamente 30 minutos, ou até ficarem levemente dourados. . ** Se preferir, congele e asse sempre que quiser.** . O rendimento vai depender do tamanho dos pãezinhos. 😉 . ⚠⚠DICAS IMPORTANTES⚠⚠ . ✔️ Sove a massa do seu pão de queijo como se fosse um pão normal. ✔️ Para ter bolinhas lisinhas e perfeitas, aperte e amasse a massa passando de uma mão para outra até você sentir a massa lisinha. Feito isso, é só modelar. ✔️ Use as medidas exatas e SEMPRE use ingredientes em temperatura ambiente. ✔️ Asse seus pãezinhos em forno PRÉ AQUECIDO por no mínimo 15 minutos. . ❤️ Pão de queijo tem que ser feito com amor e paciência. . Segue o passo a passo da receita, que NÃO tem erro. 😘 Bom apetite ♥️

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Do you love cheese? The Pão de Queijo is the perfect waffle for you. It is usually made with Parmigiano-Reggiano and you can choose to top the savory snack with a sweet jam.

Waffles are certainly different around the globe. However, there is little doubt that you will enjoy every single one you try.

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