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This Badass 90-year-old Woman Refuses Cancer Treatment For a Trip Of a Lifetime.





They say “the secret to a longer and happy life is simply ‘living life to the fullest'” and this woman named Norma nails it.

After losing her husband of 60 years and being diagnosed with cancer only a few days after, she refused to succumb to her illness and decided to go for a trip of lifetime instead.

When doctors told Norma about the large tumor in her uterus and advised her to undergo a series of cancer treatment, she simply refused and said,

“I’m 90 years old. I’m hitting the road.”

So she did ( like it’s the most normal and rational thing to do for a 90-year-old). This “badass,” free spirited woman continues to prove that no one can be too old to try new things, have fun–and just live.

Now she travels a lot and it’s a great thing that she has a great support system too–her family.


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She has been to different sights and spots around the US with her loved ones for 6 months, enjoying every bit of her spontaneous yet fun adventures.


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Her doctors even agreed with Norma’s decision and said they would probably do the same thing.


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“[She’s] doing exactly what I would want to do in this situation. Have a great trip!”

Meanwhile, her doctors are seeing signs of her cancer going into partial remission which is good news.

It looks like super Norma is having a grand time travelling.


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An obvious happy camper when she tried the hot air balloon ride over central Florida.


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Her happiness was contagious when she was lifted in and out of the basket.


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It seems Norma’s recent trips are working wonders and she’s showing no signs of slowing down either, despite her condition.


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The happiest 90-year-old woman indeed.


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When asked what advice she can give,

“Keep praying every day that God will take care of you, even when it feels like you can’t care for yourself,” she said.

“Just keep on going every day, that’s about it,” she added.

Reaching her age is a great accomplishment but
having the same positive disposition in life despite everything she has gone through is so much more. We can’t help but envy her for that. We appreciate the helpful tips to a long and happy life though. What an inspiration!

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