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Somebody Made a ‘Ta-Ta Towel’ for the Breasts and Women Are Loving It





Every woman knows the struggles of wearing a bra – and sweating in it. Well, ladies, here comes your new breast friend (pun intended, forgive us). The Ta-Ta Towel, created by Erin Robertson, is the answer to women’s problems with under boob sweat and uncomfortable bras.

The towel hangs down the neck and has two ends that act like cups to lift and hold the breasts up while keeping them dry at the same time.

Robertson created the product inspired by her own experience.

Source: Ta-Ta Towel

Robertson said on the Ta-Ta Towel website:

“I was living in Los Angeles and getting ready to go out on a first date. As I got out of the shower and started getting ready, I could not stop sweating — not because I was about to go on a first date, but because my tiny A/C unit was broken AND it was the beginning of summer. I had a lot working against me. I tried everything: I tucked wash cloths under my breasts, I tried dumping baby powder all over me, I even put a t-shirt on and tucked it under my boobs. But the wash cloths looked ridiculous, the baby powder made me look more like dough, and the t-shirt was making me sweat even more. While I was blow-drying my hair, I just kept thinking: ‘There HAS to be a better way to keep the beads of sweat from dripping down my stomach.'”

Robertson tried to look for available solutions online, but none of them appealed to her.

Source: Ta-Ta Towel

She then did some experiments to come up with something women can use to prevent under boob sweat while they get ready to go out (or even while just lounging at home) – all while keeping their breasts free and comfortable.

She shared it with her friends, got great feedback, and the rest is history.

Source: Ta-Ta Towel

Robertson shared:

“I started handing the towels out to my friends to get some feedback. To my wonderful surprise, what I thought was just a solution to boob sweat turned out to help other women in so many different ways. A friend of mine got rashes under her breasts due to moisture buildup; after using the towel, her rashes completely disappeared. The towel kept her breasts dry — bye-bye rashes.”

What do you think ladies? This might just be the answer to your pesky boob sweat problems. To check the products out, visit the Ta-Ta Towel website.
