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Adorable Senior Couple Went Backpacking To 40 Countries And Fell In Love All Over Again




  • An elderly couple decided to leave everything behind and travel around the world.
  • The couple, who are both over the age of 65, were inspired to travel after meeting a foreigner who visited China although they didn’t speak Mandarin.
  • Since they set off on a backpacking trip, the adorable couple have visited 40 different countries around the globe.

People say that travelling together can make a relationship much stronger. Amazingly, a senior couple is proving that this is true. The adorable couple decided to go backpacking together to 40 different countries around the world. In the process, they fell in love all over again.

71-year-old Zhang Guangzhu and 68-year-old Wang Zhongjin were just a usual couple living in China who didn’t really have any plans to travel. However, things changed when Zhang met a foreigner travelling in Yunnan although the tourist didn’t speak Mandarin. From there, Zhang wondered if he and his wife could do the same thing.

Unlike the tourist who inspired them, Zhang and Wang prepared for their world tour. Zhang took a crash course in English while Wang studied geography and history. They then set off to go backpacking in 2008, going to countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, and more.

After their European trip, Zhang and Wang realized they had caught the travel bug and decided to start a new trip travelling through North America Mexico, Cuba, Nepal, and India. By 2011, they had seen 40 different countries.

So what did the couple learn during their backpacking trip? Zhang and Wang would admit that they feel truly blessed because of their experiences. Not surprisingly, netizens claim that the senior couple looks very much in love and are enjoying the time they spend together.

Zhang and Wang are truly couple goals – and travel goals as well! For now, the adorable couple has not left their home country. However, they still take trips around China whenever they can.

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