Prehistoric Hell Ant Has A Metal Horn And It Sucks The Blood Of Its Enemies

September 16, 2017

So these ancient ants were like vampires?

Toddler Gets A Power Plug Stuck In His Skull While Playing

September 16, 2017

A two-year-old boy from Guangzhou China survived after a power plug got stuck in his brain.

12 Monkeys Simultaneously Die From Heart Attack After Being Scared By Roaring Tigers

September 15, 2017

Tigers are often seen in the area where the monkeys had died.

Weatherman Gets Awarded ‘Best Weatherman Ever’ After His Hurricane Irma Report Goes Viral

September 15, 2017

"Other channels are like "OH NO WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE", but this guy doesn't make my anxiety go berserk.”

Top 10 Crazy Hypnotism Cases From The Past

September 15, 2017

#2 is really crazy!

Doctors Find an 8-cm Drinking Glass Stuck Up a Man’s Butt – Still Intact

September 14, 2017

Incredibly, the man waited for two days until unbearable agony forced him to go crawling to the hospital.

Woman’s 5-Inch-Long Eyelashes Set a Guinness World Record

September 14, 2017

Maybe she was born with it, because it sure isn't Maybelline.

Regular Bleach Use Linked To Fatal Lung Disease

September 14, 2017

Is it time to shift to natural cleaning products instead?

Hot Dog Vendor Robbed By Police, Gets More Than $70,000 From Fund Raiser

September 14, 2017

The police took his wallet and got all his hard-earned money, but he got his payback big time!

Teacher Slaps Over 30 Students After Failing To Write Down Classical Poems From Memory

September 14, 2017

A teacher slapped over 30 of his students just because they cannot write a poem correctly from their memory.

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