Heartwarming Video Shows Coma Survivor Standing Up To Kiss His Wife

July 31, 2017

His doctors said he only had 10% chance of survival. He proved them wrong!

Colombian Army Seizes Drug-Smuggling Submarine Used To Transport Four Tons Of Cocaine

July 30, 2017

Thirty percent of illegal drugs in the US arrive via narco-submarines.

How Game of Thrones Characters Should Look Like According to the Books

July 30, 2017

TV Dany wouldn't even touch book Daario.

Actors Who Actually Turned Down the Chance to Star in Game of Thrones

July 30, 2017

One actor's loss is another actor's gain.

Terrified Mom Desperate to Sell “Haunted Doll” After it Attacked Her Husband

July 30, 2017

This doll definitely gives me the creeps.

China Vows To Donate Fish For Filipino Fishermen in Palawan

July 30, 2017

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said they will be donating fish to help "improve the livelihood" of Filipino fishermen.

Philippine Official Rides On Poor Sea Turtle That Recently Laid Eggs

July 30, 2017

These magnificent creatures are best left alone.

8-Year-Old Boy Raises Money to Buy Wheelchair for His Disabled Friend

July 30, 2017

So amazing! This boy restores our faith in humanity!

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