Manny Pacquiao Plans to Build First-Class Medical Center In His Hometown

July 24, 2017

The People's Champ sure knows how to give back, especially to those in need.

Russian Photographer Captures Photos of Elderly Couple Whose Love Stood The Test of Time

July 24, 2017

This sweet couple is #RelationshipGoals indeed!

Old Man Walks Several Miles Everyday to Beg Food for His Disabled Daughters

July 24, 2017

An old man living in a remote village in the Philippines finds the strength to overcome obstacles for the sake…

16 Cat Tattoo Designs That Are Just Too Purrfect To Resist

July 24, 2017

Cat lover or not, you need to see this list -- right now!

Actual Human Toe Is a Precious Ingredient In This Canadian Cocktail

July 24, 2017

Would you drink a cocktail garnished with a mummified toe?

China Declares Justin Bieber Persona Non Grata For ‘Bad Behaviors’

July 24, 2017

This is definitely a "Heartbreaker" for Bieber's Chinese fans.

Thailand is Sick Of Backpackers Begging For Money On Streets

July 24, 2017

The country's government even coined the term 'beg-packers' for them.

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