Family’s ‘Friendly’ Pet Lion Ends Up Attacking and Biting Their 15-Year-Old Son

May 2, 2017

Meanwhile, the uncle defends the lion may have only been playing with the victim.

Journalist Wins Beauty Competition She Was Sent To Cover

May 2, 2017

This lady reporter sure knows how to make a headline!

Italian Beauty Queen Bares Disfigured Face Since Acid Attack Caused by Ex-Boyfriend.

May 2, 2017

This beautiful woman was attacked by her boyfriend by throwing acid on her face.

Douchebag Gets Owned By Supermodel He Rejected When Dressed as Nerdy Waitress

May 1, 2017

This prank about a woman rejected by a guy because of her looks is everything.

Wives In India Are Given Wooden Bats To Hit Their Drunk Husbands

May 1, 2017

Well that's a weird wedding gift!

Mom’s Facebook Post Goes Viral After Confessing She Teaches Her Son Not To Share

May 1, 2017

This thought-provoking post is definitely dividing the internet. Do you agree or disagree with her?

This ‘Fairy Tale-Like’ Tiny Castle In England Is Up For Grabs Under £550,000

April 30, 2017

This tiny castle on sale will remind you so much about your childhood fantasies coming true.

6 Idiotic Things That IT Professionals Always Have To Deal With

April 30, 2017

How could some people be so dumb?

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