How to Devein And Clean Shrimp Like A Pro, Using Only a Toothpick

April 19, 2017

When it comes to deveining shrimp, those with average food preparation skills need all the tips they can get.

The World’s Largest Indoor Water Park Is Located in Freezing Germany

April 19, 2017

While it's snowing and ice-cold outside, it's always beach weather inside the largest indoor beach resort in Germany.

Poignant Photo of Nuns Passing By Sleeping Street Children Goes Viral

April 19, 2017

Do they "practice what they preach?"

Scotland Residents Make Unexpected Archaeological Find In The Aftermath of A Strong Storm

April 19, 2017

After their place was hit by a wild storm, residents discovered an ancient settlement in their midst.

Vilcabamba, The “Valley of Longevity” Where People Live to Age 100 and Up

April 19, 2017

Vilcabamba in Ecuador is said to have the best conditions for health and longevity.

Study Shows That A Bad Boss Can Make Employees Sick

April 19, 2017

We are sure that a lot of people will be able to relate to this.

Friendly Snake’s Dramatic Entrance at Internet Café Drives Man Berserk

April 19, 2017

Maybe it only wanted to use the WiFi.

Lab-Grown Meat of the Future Is Not Far from Hitting Major Supermarkets

April 19, 2017

Are you open to trying alternative meats?

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