Man Dresses up in T-Rex Costume to Tease An Enormous Alligator

March 24, 2017

Please do not try this at home, or anywhere, for that matter.

15-Year-Old Malaysian Girl Hangs Herself After Placing Second In Class

March 24, 2017

Apparently, she didn't want to disappoint her father.

Employees Should Only Work 4 Days a Week, According to Scientists

March 24, 2017

Apparently, a shorter work week benefits both the worker and the company.

17 Psychological Tricks Guaranteed To Make People Like You

March 24, 2017

Try these science-based strategies the next time you're struggling to make a connection.

The Mysterious Tale of a Man From a Country Called ‘Taured’

March 24, 2017

A man who claimed to be from a country called "Taured" caused quite a stir in Japan back in 1954…

Nail Salon Receives Backlash After Making Fat Customers Pay Extra

March 23, 2017

This nail salon in Tennesee just went viral for the wrong reason.

A Woman’s Job Interview Got Canceled Because She Asked a Simple Question

March 23, 2017

So asking questions at a job interview is now grounds for not getting hired? Unbelievable!

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