There’s a Very Good Reason Why You Shouldn’t Type ‘Amen’ on a Facebook Post

March 7, 2017

Be careful when you encounter a Facebook post that obligates you to like, share, or comment "Amen" on it.

Man Claims He Has Energy Force Field to Shield Punches So an MMA Fighter Challenges Him

March 7, 2017

He calls himself an "Energy Field Master".

Hippo Saves Antelope from Wild Dogs, Only to Turn Against it Afterwards

March 7, 2017

This predator versus prey story features a third party, and an unexpected twist.

Road Rage Driver Smashes Car Window And Pepper Sprays Stunned Motorist

March 7, 2017

Meanwhile, this happened in Florida...

That ‘Guilty” Look Your Dog Gives You Isn’t Really Guilt, According To Dog Expert

March 7, 2017

Sometimes we, humans, have the tendency to misattribute dog emotions on human emotions.

White Boy Gets Same Haircut As Black Best Friend To “Confuse” Their Teacher

March 6, 2017

So cute and so heartwarming! We could all learn a lesson from these 5-year-old boys.

Feel Like Quitting Your Job? These Photos Will Make You Appreciate What You Have

March 6, 2017

Most of these people risk their health and lives doing their jobs.

Being Happily in Love Leads to Greater Weight Gain, According To Science

March 6, 2017

Go blame your partner for your expanding waistline!

Young Filipina Programmer Starts Own Company At Age 10

March 6, 2017

This girl proves you're never too young to learn coding - or to start your own company!

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