Dishonest Woman Cheats Unknowing Vendor For $2 Until She Noticed the CCTV Camera

February 8, 2017

A woman attempts to steal money from vendors by acting that she did not get her exact amount of change.…

10 Managers Share Most Bizarre Stories of Why They Had To Fire Certain Employees

February 8, 2017

These employees are the most stupid ever!

After Losing His Pet Dog, This Chinese Millionaire Dedicated His Life Saving Stray Dogs

February 8, 2017

So far, he has saved over 2,000 stray dogs from being butchered.

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Bronze Strap-On Dildos and Jade Butt Plugs in China

February 8, 2017

These artifacts served their purpose even after death.

The First Vertical Forest in Asia Can Produce 132 Pounds of Oxygen Per Day!

February 8, 2017

This 3,500-plant vertical forest is an architectural marvel built to regenerate local biodiversity.

MMA Star Brandon Vera Rescues Sea Turtle, Disses People Who Pollute The Environment

February 7, 2017

To those who don't respect the environment, the current One FC champion is going after you.

Awesome Documentary Shows How Movie Sound Effects Are Created Behind The Scenes

February 7, 2017

We'll never look at movie sound effects the same way!

5 Things You Should Never Order From A Coffee Shop

February 7, 2017

A New York barista reveals these 5 products are a waste of money.

Lady Liberty Was Originally Designed As An Arab Woman and America Goes Crazy

February 7, 2017

There's so much hate from some Americans when this story surfaced.

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