13 Brilliant Ideas That Make Life A Little Easier For People In Developing Nations

January 30, 2017

These simple yet awesome inventions are making a big difference in the world!

Trump Says He’s OK About Torturing Suspected ISIS Terrorists, CIA and Pentagon Disagrees

January 30, 2017

“We have to fight fire with fire,” US Pres. Donald Trump said.

6 Strange Historical Objects that Remain Unsolved up to Now

January 29, 2017

History and strange artifacts never really did mix well. Mysteries are often left unsolved for several millennia.

The Mystery of South Australia’s 14,000-Foot Tall Marree Man

January 29, 2017

Who created this several miles long artwork in the middle of the desert?

Humanity Beware, or Humanity Rejoice? Viruses Found ‘Talking’ to Each Other!

January 29, 2017

What are the effects now that we know virus can talk to each other?

5 Intriguing Places in the World No One is Ever Allowed to Visit

January 29, 2017

There's a reason for the Do Not Enter sign after all. Don't say we didn't warn you!

23 of the Funniest and Wittiest Replies to Wrong Number Text Messages

January 29, 2017

OMG these are too hilarious! #17 is my favorite!

China Deploys Powerful New Long Range Nuclear Missile To Warn US President Donald Trump

January 28, 2017

China is clearly sending a message here.

Scientists Create First Human-Pig Embryo Hybrid To Help Produce Donor Organs

January 28, 2017

Yeah, and then they'll be able to talk and have these crazy superpowers.

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