Mark Zuckerberg Declares He Is No Longer An Atheist

January 17, 2017

He's always been a self-described atheist since age 13. Well, he just had a change of heart!

The Ancient Roman City of Timgad Reveals Remarkable Modern Grid Design

January 17, 2017

This city ruins is one of the best surviving examples of the grid plan used by the ancient Roman city…

Live Like a Royal Everyday, These Castles are For Sale

January 16, 2017

Whoever said you can't be royalty was dead wrong. Just buy any of these castles and be king everyday.

Homeless Man’s Kindness To Stranded Young Couple Inspires Them To Help Him Back

January 16, 2017

When you do good, good comes back to you.

Behold, The Appendix May Have a Physiological Purpose After All

January 16, 2017

The appendix helps protect humans from infections, studies suggest.

Carwash Employee Forced Robber to Wash Cars After Failed Robbery

January 16, 2017

The employee was able to disarm the robber then forced him to wash cars.

Badly Burned Woman Receives Pioneering Treatment with Tilapia Fish Scales

January 16, 2017

Doctors in Brazil are using tilapia fish scales to treat burn lesions in groundbreaking new therapy.

Hot Girl in the Sauna ‘Turns On’ 6 Men in Funny Beer Commercial

January 16, 2017

This German beer ad, which is set in a sauna, is literally too hot to handle.

Bangladeshi Tree Man ‘Cured’ of His Branch-like Warts on Hands and Feet

January 15, 2017

It took at least 16 operations to remove the branch-like warts.

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