20 People Share the Best Things They Ever Bought

November 30, 2016

In this world where everything has a price tag, which ones are actually worth your money?

There’s a Company That Turns People Into Diamonds When They Die!

November 30, 2016

A Swiss company called Algordanza has the technology to convert human remains into gem-quality memorial synthetic diamonds.

What Happens When You Dunk an iPhone 7 in the World’s Strongest Acid?

November 30, 2016

Those who love Apple products and hate to see them get destroyed, look away now!

Japanese Dating Agency Suggests Wearing Surgical Masks to People Seeking Love

November 30, 2016

A dating agency in Japan claims wearing surgical masks makes their clients more confident and less self-conscious.

Sullen, Depressed Teens Today Suffering from Unusual Disease Called Textaphrenia

November 30, 2016

Technology is ruining puberty in a big way, and it sucks.

Massive Cracks In West Antarctic Ice Sheet Warn Us Of ‘Unstoppable’ Collapse

November 30, 2016

"It's no longer a question of whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will melt, it's a question of when,” one…

Woman Wakes Up at Her Own Funeral and Dies From Heart Attack

November 30, 2016

A 49-year-old Russian woman named Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov was presumed dead, but she turned out to be very much alive when…

The World’s Most Expensive Chocolate Bar Comes From Ecuador

November 30, 2016

The chocolate bar made by To'ak in Ecuador costs $260 for just 50 grams — but it's not just expensive…

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