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Danish Woman Saves Nigerian Children Accused of Witchcraft





At present, witchcraft is still an issue in Nigeria and a lot of children who are accused of witchcraft are being punished and abandoned by their family.

These poor young kids have nowhere to go and nothing to eat and can starve to death.

According to Samuel Waje Kunhiyop of HCTU, children and most especially orphans are accused of killing their parents or siblings. If something bad happens, most of the time they were accused to be the cause of it. These children will be beaten up or tortured to make confessions and admit a crime.

Elderly people, widows, parents of deceased, women and children are most of the time accused of witchcraft in Nigeria as people believe that they are the reason or the root cause of the suffering, pain and unpleasant incidents within their family. Almost 80% accused of witchcraft are women.

These people accused of witchcraft are incapable of protecting and defending themselves as they are innocent, rejected, tortured, hated by the people in their community in which they suffer emotional and physical trauma.

They cannot defend themselves from these accusations because of the norm in the place and the lack of support for them. It’s disappointing that these people suffered a great loss in their lives and yet they are being accused of witchcraft and charged to be the cause of death in their family or the reason behind the horrible incidents.

This boy was abandoned by his family and left to die.

This boy was abandoned by his family and left to die, Anja a humanitarian rescues these children from this horrible situation

Source: Awomkenneth
Anja a humanitarian rescues these children from this horrible situation.

Anja dediacted her life in saving children being abused, abandoned and tortured for being "witches."

Source: Awomkenneth

For the last 3 years Anja Ringgren Loven devoted her time in helping these children. Her passion made her sold all that she had and stayed in Nigeria. She founded the Afriacan Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation to save thousands of kids accused of witchcraft.

This children are abused, abandoned and tortured for being "witches."


Anja dedicated her life in saving these innocent children accused of witchcraft.


Source: Awomkenneth

Anja named the boy Hope. He is now in good condition and being friends with Anja’s son.

Anja still has a lot of work to finish. Her plan is to bring this to the government of Nigeria to battle corruption and develop education. She is currently making a documentary to inform others about Nigerian superstition on witchcraft and their ill fate.

Anja said,

“I grew up with a mom who all her life worked at a nursing home, and she always told me that we need to help each other, to be useful in this life and to be compassionate.

The drive I have now is also the children. When everything seems impossible I just look at the children and I keep going.”

NATO i Bruxelles donerer hvert år støtte til nødhjælpsorganisationer igennem deres årlige event NATO Charity Bazaar. Det er ikke nemt at modtage støtten da ansøgningsprocessen er meget omfattende og der er strenge men retfærdige udvælgelsesprocesser. Støtten kan søges af alle nødhjælpsorganisationer i hele verden så der er stor konkurrence. NATO udvælger i alt 20 nødhjælpsorganisationer fra hele verden og rangerer efter hvor meget støtte de forskellige organisationer skal have. Nr. 1 får selvfølgelig mest. Og jeg er SÅ STOLT over at kunne fortælle, at DINNødhjælp som den allerførste danske nødhjælpsorganisation er blevet valgt ud og tilmed blevet nr. 7 på listen !! DINNødhjælp har derfor modtaget en donation på 7.000 euro !!! ❤️ Overrækkelsesceremonien finder sted i Bruxelles d.26 januar og jeg er blevet inviteret af NATO til at deltage. Jeg kan desværre ikke deltage da jeg er i Nigeria, så idag har jeg sendt min takketale til NATO som vil blive læst op under ceremonien ! ☺️ Jeg er meget stolt over den anerkendelse DINNødhjælp har modtaget af NATO og jeg er sikker på at det er et kæmpe stort skridt i kampen om retfærdighed og hjælp til børn i Nigeria som bliver tortureret og slået ihjel. Tusind tak til Heidi ( du ved hvem du er ) for at gøre mig opmærksom på NATO Charity Bazaar. Det har været en lang vej mod målet, men det har været det hele værd ! ❤️ #natocharitybazaar #winner #dinnoedhjaelp #firstdanishorganizationtowin #proud #fightforhumanrights #childrensrights #nigeria #anjaloven #humanrights #ngo #nato #brussels #peace #love #africa #childrenarenotwitches #fightagainstsuperstition 💪🏽❤️

A post shared by Anja Ringgren Lovén (@dinnoedhjaelp) on

Anja explained and said,

“I’ve seen much here in Nigeria over the last 3 years. I have spared you for many experiences when we’ve been on the rescue operations.

Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we’ve both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children. This footage shows why I fight. Why I sold everything I own. Why I’m moving out in uncharted territory.

Why the new documentary is so important for dinnødhjælps work so we can shout world leaders up so we can get focused on superstition in Nigeria! I hope you will all see with when ” Anja Africa ‘ is being shown on TV. Together we can make the biggest difference!”

Help save these poor children. Don’t forget to SHARE this to your family and friends, Help Anja spread awareness around the world!

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