Head to Southeast Asia where sumptuous food and amazing culture awaits.
It's always baffling to think how these ancient structures have been built in the first place.
History and strange artifacts never really did mix well. Mysteries are often left unsolved for several millennia.
There's a reason for the Do Not Enter sign after all. Don't say we didn't warn you!
The world's longest port looks like a bridge from above.
Behold! The amazing centuries-old, still intact walls of Avila.
Selfie with a lion and a bear, anyone?
Most impressive! You'd think her paintings were done by old masters!
Maybe it was best to have left the fabled city alone.
Whoever said you can't be royalty was dead wrong. Just buy any of these castles and be king everyday.
It took at least 16 operations to remove the branch-like warts.
Love for travel can inspire you to do just about anything.
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