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This Backyard ‘Weed’ Is Actually A Superfood With Numerous Health Benefits





Although the United States Department of Agriculture classifies it as a weed, backyard plant purslane (or Portulaca Oleracea) is actually a superfood with fantastic taste.In fact, numerous restaurants are alreadyusing it in their dishes.Its even fairly easy to harvest plus you can consume it raw or cooked.

Furthermore, nutrition experts tell us that the plant is filled with a lot of nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids.In fact, one cup of raw purslane contains 28 mg Calcium, 29 mg Magnesium, 19 mg Phosphorus, and 212 mg Potassium.

Although it is considered a weed, purslane is actually a superfood with a lot of health benefits to offer.

purslane superfood 1

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition also tells us that the wonder plant is filled in Omega-3s with 300-400 mg of alpha-linolenic acid in 100 grams of purslane – which is a much higher level than that of a spinach). Furthermore, 100 grams of purslane has about 12.2 mg of Vitamin E, 26.6 mg of Vitamin C, 1.9 mg of beta-carotene, and 14.8 mg of glutathione.

Simply put, this plant brings lots of awesome health benefits.

Researchers tell us that daily consumption of purslane can prevent headaches because of its magnesium content. Also, magnesium is good for the heart and may decrease your blood pressure. You can likewise enjoy a stronger immune system with its many vitamins and minerals.

Having trouble with diabetes? Purslane can be good in controlling your blood sugar.

Dr Artemis Simopoulos, president of Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington, said:

“Anyone who has a vegetable garden this year, the purslane will grow as a weed in it. They should not really throw it out. They should eat it.”

Here’s how you identify a purslane:

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This amazing plant grows in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. It doesn’t even need much water and usually just sneaks in between other plants or on sidewalk cracks.

I’m never ignoring this plant again!

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