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China Imposes Curfew For Minors To Combat Video Game Addiction




  • China has announced that a new regulation will be imposed to combat video game addiction among minors.
  • The policy includes a curfew for gaming, as well as certain limitations for the aoun gamers can spend each month.
  • So far, netizens have mixed reactions about it.

China has a new solution against video game addiction among the youth. According to reports, the country is implementing a strict curfew for minors in an attempt to decrease the time – and money – they spend on gaming.

The new regulation means youngsters under the age of 18 will not be allowed to play online games from 10 PM to 8 AM and they will only be permitted 90 minutes of gaming within the allowed time.

All gamers will also need to use real names and details whenever they register. Moreover, minors’ gaming expenses will be limited to 200 yuan (US $28) per month while those ages 16 to 18 may spend up to 400 yuan (US $56).

In an official statement issued by the government, game developers have likewise been encouraged to tweak their “content, functions or rules” in a way that addiction can be avoided by young gamers.

As expected, the new policy attracted mixed reactions from netizens on social media.

Some commenters praised the government’s efforts saying the restrictions are “needed” and “timely.”

On the other hand, there are also those who think it is “very unfair” since most Chinese teens are in school from 6:30 AM to 10:00 PM, which means they won’t have any time left to play at all.

Video game addiction is a huge problem not only in China but in many countries across the world.

Addiction specialist Dr. Kirk Moberg has warned that excessive gaming can cause elbow, neck, and wrist pains, skin blisters, and even sleep disorders. Long-term addiction may also lead to obesity and blood clots, the expert explained.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has previously specified that they want to officially categorize gaming addiction as a mental health disorder.

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