Everyone knows about the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo, but did you know about these other hidden objects in logos?
We see logos everywhere we go. It’s a subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) form of advertising that makes us remember a brand based on their logo. But while we think the creators of these logos just come up with cool looking logo to represent a brand, a lot of these designers put way more thought into the logos they make.
Just check out these examples.
#1. The “i” looks like someone who’s just been killed.
#2. The trees take the form of piano keys.
#3. The “N” is sideways number 2.
#4. Are they pages of a magazine or a circus tent?
#5. It’s a golf ball and a cresecent moon in one.
#6. This one’s subtle, but the “a” has a hidden knife in the middle.
#7. The space between the connecting power cords forms the letter “E.”
#8. An elephant trunk inside the letter “E.”
#9. It’s a calligraphy nib with a spoon inside. Very clever.
#10. Shears and a mustache in one logo.
#11. It’s a finger puppet in the shape of a hand. Get it? Get it?!
#12. Freedom’s logo has a bird flying away.
#13. The blue tip of the paintbrush looks like a shark fin.
#14. It’s an upside down hand that also looks like a bear.
#15. A little tough to read at first, but the wavy pink line is a boundary between the top and bottom part of the logo.
#16. It’s a barcode and a beer mug because it’s a bar!
#17. The film reel kind of looks like that iconic face from Scream.
#18. It’s a cup of coffee, but it’s also a magician’s top hat.
#19. The animals’ legs make up the city’s skyline.
#20. The negative space of the up and down arrows create an H.
#21. No need to tilt your head because you can clearly see the cat’s eyes in the “C” of both words.
#22. Food = the white space looks like a fork. Wine = the wine bottles between the prongs of the fork.
#23. The common coding symbols create a L337 fish.
#24. It’s a piece of film that looks like Frankenstein’s monster in side view.
#25. Flight Finder’s two F’s create the shape of a plane in between.
#26. One of the most clever logos out there: It looks like a golfer and a Spartan wearing a helmet!
#27. There’s a hidden moon inside the coffee cup.
#28. Depending on what you see first, it could be a bird in flight or the face of a lion.
#29. This yogi is carrying the silhouette of Australia on her back.
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