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Parents Tell Daughter They’ll Cut Her From The Will Because She’s Childless, She Ruins Their Holidays




  • In a Reddit post, user Doesnotcontributes shared what went down during a Thanksgiving dinner with her parents and siblings, in which she was told she didn’t deserve to be included in the will because she doesn’t have kids.
  • She got fed up with what her family was saying and proceeded to kick her family out of the house.
  • Her family still wanted her to host their Christmas dinner despite what happened, but she refused to do so.

Even in this day and age, not wanting to have kids is such a big issue for a lot of people. People ended up having to defend themselves when they tell their friends and family that they wish to be child-free.

Given how touchy the subject is, it’s not surprising that most would rather stay quiet about their preference and deal with it quietly. But when your own parents tell you that you don’t deserve to be in their will because you don’t have children? You don’t take this lying down.

In a Reddit post, user Doesnotcontributes shared what went down during a Thanksgiving dinner with her parents and siblings. She explained that for years now, she and her husband has been hosting their holiday parties because she’s the only one with a house big enough to accommodate everyone. She also added that they pay for most of the food and do most of the cooking.

It was after the dinner when things got haywire. They were chatting and her dad was asking about the couple having kids.

Understandably, she was dismayed by what her father said. But that’s not all…

She got fed up with what her family was saying and proceeded to kick her family out of the house. I mean, who could blame her?

But it didn’t end there. Her family apparently had no idea of the effect of what they said to her and still assumed that she was still going to accommodate everyone despite that.

Of course, the family didn’t take this well.

This was posted under the subreddit r/AmItheAsshole, but it was later removed because it violated the rule which says that no revenge stories should be posted.

But a lot of people have already seen the story and judging from their comments, most of them are siding with the couple. They labeled the story as NTA (Not The Asshole).

There are two issues in this story. It’s not just the family’s disrespect to the user’s preference to be child-free, but also the expectations of some parents that their children spend the holidays with them and the extended family, even when they are all grown-up adults. Spending time with the family during the holidays can be exhausting and people are allowed to make their own plans as they see fit.

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