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Finally, Decapitation of Thousands of Animals in Nepal to Please A Goddess is Banned





Every five years, the people of Bariyarpur, Nepal celebrate the Gadhimai festival to appease Gadhimai, the Hindu goddess of power. For two and a half centuries, pilgrims from Nepal and India slaughter hundreds of thousands of animals by decapitating them at the Gadhimai temple.

According to the Hindu mythology, an imprisoned feudal landlord named Bhagwan Chowdhary dreamt that he would be freed from all his worldly afflictions if he would offer a blood sacrifice to the deity.

Gadhimai wanted a human sacrifice, but Chowdhary offered animal blood instead.


Photo credit: AP Images for the Humane Society
Since then, they practiced the ritual in the country.


Photo credit: AP Images for the Humane Society of the United States
At least 80% of those have traveled from India just to witness the slaughter.


Photo credit: Kuni Takahashi/ AP for Humane Society International
The ritual begins with the sacrifice of five animals (a rat, goat, pigeon, pig, and a rooster).


Photo credit: AP Images for The Humane Society of the United States
It is known as the “Pancha Bali”.


Photo credit: AP Images for The Humane Society of the United States
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