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This Modern Day Hero Proved That 30 minutes CAN Produce Miracles. Brilliant idea!





Every year, tons of garbage are collected all across the globe. This year alone, an estimated 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage are feared to be generated worldwide. As stated by The Atlantic, that’s about the weight of 7,000 Empire state buildings!

Thanks to the modern day heroes like this guy though, we finally see that people are willing to make a big difference.

Everyday, Tommy Klein would ride his bike and take a quick tour on random places. However, as he passed by the river bank daily as he went to work, he felt enjoying the sunset or the sunrise no longer excites him. Why? because the picturesque view has been replaced with piles of garbage. Scattered rubbish have become an eye sore. Instead of being permanently discouraged though, Klein decided to deal with the problem – even it meant doing things by himself.

With a pair of clippers and plastic bags, he would spend 30 minutes of his time just to clean up the mess. Week after week, he would take a photo of the work-in-progress and posted it on Facebook through Project Schone Schie. Soon enough, the project that started out as a simple advocacy drew the attention of 180 people who helped in the cleanup drive. Weeks passed and the end result was really fantastic – a newly-cleaned river bank!

Here are some pictures from Klein:

Enjoying a picturesque view by the riverside is always a lot nicer compared to seeing these piles of garbage.


Fortunantely,a low-profile Dutch hero took the matter by himself and did what most people won’t bother doing.


Week after week, he would spare 30 minutes to clean up the river bank.


Of course, the miracle did not happen overnight. And so, he repeated the routine until the riverside became spotless.


The nearly-dead river bank is now a new potential park for everyone.


As Klein posted the work-in-progress photos in Facebook, many followers soon joined the clean up project.


Through this project, Klein proved that “it only takes 30 minutes to change the world.”


The last bag of garbage before the cleanup project is officially done.


And here we finally have the brand new river bank!


From a messy river bank to an entirely new place.


After 90 days of hard work, this bird made a nest on the river bank as well.


Go check out the Project Schone Schie Facebook page for more information.


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