He only went out of the house to buy water...
She recognized the birthmark on the bride's hand, which is similar to her long-lost daughter's.
It was considered as "the world's first manhunt."
The tired thief turned on the air-conditioner and fell asleep.
"More people will target Asians for death," said the letter.
She wasn't even there!
"Religion is always in the control business and that's something people don't really understand."
This virus-killing machine doesn't leave traces or residues - plus t gets the job done quickly!
Teens can soon get a COVID-19 vaccine that is effective and safe!
"All hypothesis remain on the table," added Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
So, no more dentures in the future?
“We are not losing [against COVID]. We have lost already,” said Dr. Jaime Almora.
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