A professional diver was mauled by several giant squids and managed to film the entire terrifying attack.
The mysterious package caused widespread panic.
She just couldn't bear the pain.
"I think we were careless and we went out into a public place when we should not have."
"She was too 'alarmed' that I was sitting 'comfortably in 'her neighborhood!"
The attraction has caused "dangerous and costly rescue efforts," according to officials.
They thought babies arrived as a result of simply being married.
You have to see it to believe it!
"I just wanted a way for anyone to have proof of their version of events in the unlikely scenario that…
Can she portray the Princess of Wales? Some fans are in doubt!
"Each year, thousands of dogs are captured and transported under horrific conditions, bound for the annual Dog Meat Festival."
"India wants peace, but if provoked, India will provide an appropriate response," warned Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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