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19 Animal Comics That Are Totally Hysterical





Truth be told, there’s something fascinating about the animals and their natural ways. For some vague reasons, despite their inability to speak human language, through facial expression and body language, they can (unwittingly) convey a plethora of ideas. Through tail wagging and panting, dogs are able to express their simple joy in seeing their masters after a long day of work. Through yawning in boredom, cats are able to express their nonchalant thoughts about the futile existence of the entire inferior human race. We can learn a lot of things about them just by merely watching them live their life for a few minutes during a lazy afternoon.

Apparently, an artist named Joshua Barkman had the same idea. Using his talent, he created the False Knees comics – a collection of cartoon drawings containing a few dark and humorous comic strips showcasing sassy animals that would surely bring a smile on your face.

So, if you’re having a bad day, sit back, relax, and enjoy the sassiness.

1. Well, it’s official, geese are evil.

Source: False Knees
2. Geese are Evil 2 – Electric Boogaloo.

Source: False Knees
3. Ah, nothing beats a morning filled with melodies of the good ol’ pound town.

Source: False Knees
4. Goose is such an ugly language.

Source: False Knees
5. Identity crisis isn’t exclusive to humans.

Source: False Knees
6. It seems that Joshua Barkman haves a fewunderlying issues with geese.

Source: False Knees
7. Why go south though?

Source: False Knees
8. Enjoying the little things.

Source: False Knees
9. Raccoons don’t give a crap.

Source: False Knees
10. Playing the victim card again, I see.

Source: False Knees
11. To be fair, it’s hard to play alpha when you’re small.

Source: False Knees
12. Cats taking over the world, one small step at a time.

Source: False Knees
13. This squirrel is the only sane creature in the entire world.

Source: False Knees
14. Nothing beats eating a rotting carcass on a lazy afternoon.

Source: False Knees
15. House plants are just pretending to be immobile, but they’re actually preparing for a world domination.

Source: False Knees
16. That’s kinda terrible, and sad.

Source: False Knees
17. Well, that didn’t end well.

Source: False Knees
18. He’s probably training for his evil plans.

Source: False Knees
19. That’s cold.

Source: False Knees
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