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Funny Illustrations of How Our Dogs See and Interpret the World





Dogs are truly a delight to have around. They are sweet, loyal, affectionate, and sometimes very funny too. Dog-owners may have observed some very peculiar behaviors from their beloved canines. One illustrator decided to capture and interpret how our dogs live everyday and how they see the world.

Look at the pictures and I am sure dog lovers can relate!

Their concept of fine dining includes…

Their concept of fine dining includes...

For some dogs, taking a bath can be a death sentence!


Honestly, I think this applies to any food we open or eat! Ugh those puppy eyes! 😛

Honestly, I think this applies to any food we open or eat! :P

How reuniting with our dog is always so melodramatic for them

How reuniting with our dog is always so melodramatic for them

Much as we learn almost everything about another human through one click on Facebook, all it takes is one sniff for dogs 😉

Much as we learn almost everything about another human through one clik on Facebook, all it take sis one sniff for dogs ;)

Who knew Thor scares the shit out of our dogs?

Who knew Thor scares the shit out of our dogs?

But they are so irresistibly cute in costumes!

But they are so irresistibly cute in costumes!

There goes the profound and sophisticated dog message…

There goes the profound and sophisticated dog message...

Going for a walk really? That’s the jackpot!!

Going for a walk really? That's the jackpot!!

“Torture, torture!!” “Naw! Let’s just cover those cutesy pawsies…”


Please don’t leave me…..


Ahh how adventurous, the world is a toilet bowl full of mystery and shit..


So next time our dogs act up again during scenarios like this, we know pretty much what’s going through their heads. 🙂 These illustrations are created by Robert Brown, Nathan Yaffe and Andrew Bridgman of CollegeHumor.

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