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Is Love At First Sight Real? Studies Say Yes





Falling in love at first sight is one of those things you either believe in or you don’t. Do people really know they’re meant to be with that particular person the first time they met them?

It seems that this fairytale-like scenario only happens in the movies and it’s almost hard to believe that it can actually happen in real life. But according to some findings, love at first sight is absolutely real.

Source: Pexels

Dating most of the time requires a lot of work. So falling in love at first sight seems to be a good leap from experiencing those awkward stages. A new study has found that it only takes just one second for a person to register to find something beautiful.

Denis Pelli, a psychology professor at NYU who co-authored the study, said:

“Beauty is famously subjective and supposed to be intractable by science – but some of its key properties follow simple rules … Philosophers have long supposed the feeling of beauty is a special kind of pleasure. Yet, our analysis of research in the field shows the feeling of beauty may merely be a very intense pleasure – not otherwise special.”

Source: Pexels

Studies say that you’re more likely to feel love at first sight with beautiful people. While it’s quite hard to believe, there are people who shared that they experienced love at first sight.

Match’s Chief Scientific Advisor and Biological Anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher shared:

“Love at first sight is relatively easy to explain … Romantic love runs along certain electrical and chemical pathways through the brain which can be triggered instantly.”

Love at first sight mostly comes to those who are ready and open to falling in love.

Source: Pexels

Fisher added:

“It’s a basic drive, like thirst and hunger … Food and water keep you alive today; romantic love leads to bonding, mating and sending your DNA into tomorrow. In fact, poetry around the world talks about love at first sight. Even other creatures experience instant attraction to one another. But cultural factors always play a role as well.”

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