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Architect Designs Minimalist Home Built Into Huge Rock Boulders




  • A truly creative architect decided to merge nature with modern art and minimalist home design.
  • The result is ‘House Inside A Rock’ which uses a boulder’s natural shape and adds some impressive home space.
  • The gorgeous minimalist home is inspired by the Mada’in Saleh rock tombs in Saudi Arabia.

A huge rock is probably the last place you would consider turning into a home. However, one architect is proving that a massive boulder can make amazing houses. The stunning design turns the gigantic rock into modern homes that can pass as gorgeous artworks.

Amey Kandalgaonkar is an architectural designer based in Shanghai who has turned a boulder into homes. Kandalgaonkar considers the rock’s natural shape and builds around it, which results in an amazing minimalist space that looks like modern art as well.

Would you live in a rock if it looked like this?

Kandalgaonkar explains that the home is inspired by the Mada’in Saleh rock tombs in Saudi Arabia.

“Considering the visual complexity of the rocks at Mada’in Saleh, it was imperative to use simple planes and cubes in order to achieve a visual balance,” Kandalgaonkar said. “I started out creating the rock in 3D software which in itself was a sculpting process. Later when inserting the house into this rock, I tried to keep its visual impact from eye level as minimum as possible and only when observed from a birds-eye, the real extent of the intervention is revealed.”

The house already looks amazing as it is but it gets even more stunning when seen from above.

Needless to say, it’s a truly creative way to take nature, modern art, and minimalist home design to a new level.

Kandalgaonkar also works on other impressive home designs that look like Chinese puzzle boxes as well as complicated mazes. You can see more of the architect’s works on Instagram.

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