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Hilarious Video Shows Man Undergoing Labor Simulation For His Wife





Men don’t really realize how painful and difficult it is for women to undergo labor and childbirth. Imagine feeling a pain that scores between six and ten in the pain scale because your uterus is contracting for approximately 60 seconds every 2-3 minutes (the cycle can last for hours to a day, by the way). This does not include the delivery process itself wherein mothers feel like their pelvic bones are slowly ripping apart as a 6-8 pounder baby tries to come out of their private parts!

Although it is a glorious achievement for women to give birth, sometimes some women secretly wish for the men to be ones to undergo such a grueling experience. Have you really ever wondered how men would feel and react if they are in these women’s shoes? What would they do if their water broke and the contractions start radiating to their lower backs and perineum? Kim Dean Holderness’ husband, Penn, wanted to give it a try.

So for Mother’s day, Penn Holderness had decided to visit Dr. Sameh Toma at the North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine (NCCRM) with his wife to simulate early to active labor pains for him.

In the couple’s website, Kim wrote:

“I would do anything to keep the people I love from experiencing pain. Well. Except for that one thing.. that MOM THING. Penn is about as supportive as husbands and fathers come but, let’s face it, he has no clue what it takes to be mother or what it took to BECOME a mother.”

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