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Russian Student Auctions Her Virginity Online to Pay For Med School Tuition





The photos of a pretty 20-year-old Russian woman identified only as “Ariana” are now making the rounds online. Several news outlets such as The Daily Mail, The Sun, and Mirror have focused on her decision to put her virginity up for sale via a Russian escort auction site called Cinderella Escorts.

The reports have revealed that Ariana’s controversial decision is rooted in her desire to become a doctor.

Ariana is 20 and wants to be a doctor.

Ariana is 20 and wants to be a doctor.

In the Mirror feature, Ariana explained, “I want to move to another country for my studies in medicine. The university will be very expensive, the rent will also be high. I want to get the financial burden out of the way so I can focus on my medical studies.”

Ariana strikes a sultry pose.

Ariana strikes a sultry pose.

When reporters probed further, Ariana obliged them by emphasizing that she sees nothing wrong with having someone pay to get intimate with her.

Ariana stated, “I have hoped for so long to find my great love. But it did not work out. So, why should I wait any longer? And why should I lose my virginity to someone who could then break my heart later?”

The bidding for her virginity starts at $169,736.

The bidding for her virginity starts at $169,736.

Despite her matter-of-fact justification, though, Ariana revealed that she didn’t tell her parents about her decision. Then again, we don’t know if her move will continue to be a “secret” with all the buzz it’s getting.

She says her parents don't know about her decision.

She says her parents don't know about her decision.

Nevertheless, Ariana is hoping to cash in on her controversial venture. The bidding for her virginity starts at £130,500 or $169,736.


Ariana's friend Lolita is also selling her virginity.

Ariana's friend Lolita is also selling her virginity.

The Daily Mail noted: “Ariana hopes that the highest bidder is a gentleman who deals sensitively with the situation. She said that perhaps it will also be a man she would like to see more often after their sexual encounter.”

Lolita is 21 years old.

Lolita is 21 years old.

Ariana seems to be hell-bent on going through with the whole transaction. It so happens that her friend Lolita has also put her virginity up for sale on the site.

Reports don't discuss Lolita's reason for selling her virginity.

Reports don't discuss Lolita's reason for selling her virginity.

We can just imagine the two of them giving each other pep talks. But one thing’s for sure: Their parents would probably try to stop them if they knew what these young ladies were up to.


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