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Should Men Pay The Bill During Dates All The Time?





With everything we’re hearing about gender equality, sometimes we couldn’t help but wonder if people are literally intent on breaking stereotypes and are indeed calling for equality on all aspects.

Here’s a simple scenario to consider: When a man goes out on a date with a woman, is he always expected to pay the bill in full? Should they split the bill in half or should he even let her handle it sometimes?

People have different takes regarding this simple topic. By tradition, society expects men to fulfill the role of a provider in the family and so it follows that many believe he should likewise spend for dates. It’s the gentleman thing to do, right?

In her Unilad article, journalist Emily Brown shared why she believes such stereotypes should be gone for good.

She wrote:

“Expecting a man to pay for the meal is bringing back the mentality that men must provide for a woman and allow her to live as a well-fed person.

“I don’t know about you, but I think that’s an old-fashioned tradition that can stay in the olden days.

“Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not always women who sit back and refuse to pay – often the man insists, again because there’s this impression that it’s the ‘right thing to do’; that it’s impressive and romantic.”

Of course, people have different opinions about the matter. While some men and women believe both can actually share the bill, there are others who have diffferent expectations.

Case in point, Lynda, a woman from the current season of First Dates, said:

“Although I would always offer, on a first date if the guy didn’t pay the bill I would think it’s a sign of things to come.. i.e. he’s mean..

“But after the first date.. I think it’s defo [sic] split each time…”

On the flip side of the coin, Brown tells us we can’t be picky with certain subjects if we truly want to achieve equality.

As she summed up:

“Women have come so far in being considered equal to men – we shouldn’t set ourselves back by encouraging romantic interests – male or female – to win us over with money. Don’t expect a man to pay the bill, just because he’s a man!”

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