
Robert Pattinson Officially Confirmed As The New BatmanRobert Pattinson Officially Confirmed As The New Batman

Robert Pattinson Officially Confirmed As The New Batman

Haters gonna hate but the Twilight star IS the new Batman!

June 5, 2019
Ancient Maya Worshipped ‘Batman God’ 2,500 Years AgoAncient Maya Worshipped ‘Batman God’ 2,500 Years Ago

Ancient Maya Worshipped ‘Batman God’ 2,500 Years Ago

Camazotz was associated with the night and the underworld, just like the Dark Knight!

May 26, 2019
Batman Pulled Over By Cop To Take Selfie With BatmobileBatman Pulled Over By Cop To Take Selfie With Batmobile

Batman Pulled Over By Cop To Take Selfie With Batmobile

This is not your average traffic stop.

September 16, 2018
Real-Life Batman Makes the Guinness’ Book of World Records for Fully Functional BatsuitReal-Life Batman Makes the Guinness’ Book of World Records for Fully Functional Batsuit

Real-Life Batman Makes the Guinness’ Book of World Records for Fully Functional Batsuit

Makes you wonder whether this guy is the real caped crusader.

September 9, 2016
This Couple’s Comicbook-Themed Wedding Is Possibly The Coolest Wedding Ever!This Couple’s Comicbook-Themed Wedding Is Possibly The Coolest Wedding Ever!

This Couple’s Comicbook-Themed Wedding Is Possibly The Coolest Wedding Ever!

Weddings usually take a huge deal of preparation. Couples have to decide on many factors together to make the day…

June 30, 2015
This Group Of Video Editors Revealed What “Man Of Steel’ Looked Like In Its Real Color. So Cool!This Group Of Video Editors Revealed What “Man Of Steel’ Looked Like In Its Real Color. So Cool!

This Group Of Video Editors Revealed What “Man Of Steel’ Looked Like In Its Real Color. So Cool!

Movies sure undergo a lot of editing before they are shown in cinemas! But do you think this is accurate?

April 30, 2015