
China Orders People to Renounce Christian Faith and Worship Communist Leaders InsteadChina Orders People to Renounce Christian Faith and Worship Communist Leaders Instead

China Orders People to Renounce Christian Faith and Worship Communist Leaders Instead

"These are the greatest gods. If you want to worship somebody, they are the ones."

August 28, 2020
Another Passenger Detained For Tossing Coins At Plane’s Engine For Good LuckAnother Passenger Detained For Tossing Coins At Plane’s Engine For Good Luck

Another Passenger Detained For Tossing Coins At Plane’s Engine For Good Luck

His mother-in-law told him to do it.

April 4, 2019
Scientists Baffled by Footage of Chimps Building Shrines at Sacred TreeScientists Baffled by Footage of Chimps Building Shrines at Sacred Tree

Scientists Baffled by Footage of Chimps Building Shrines at Sacred Tree

Chimps "Building shrines" at a "sacred tree" and making "rock offerings" are puzzling scientists no end...

March 6, 2016
Finally, Decapitation of Thousands of Animals in Nepal to Please A Goddess is BannedFinally, Decapitation of Thousands of Animals in Nepal to Please A Goddess is Banned

Finally, Decapitation of Thousands of Animals in Nepal to Please A Goddess is Banned

They sever the heads of thousands of animals every five years to appease the Hindu goddess Gadhimai.

July 30, 2015
Selfless Sikh Man Defies Religion, Removes Turban in Public to Save an Injured Child.Selfless Sikh Man Defies Religion, Removes Turban in Public to Save an Injured Child.

Selfless Sikh Man Defies Religion, Removes Turban in Public to Save an Injured Child.

Sikh man removes turban in public to help a child with head injury and earns praises from many people worldwide.

June 3, 2015