
Buddhist Master Spins Around For 152 Times To Bless Temple, Ends Up Vomiting On The FloorBuddhist Master Spins Around For 152 Times To Bless Temple, Ends Up Vomiting On The Floor

Buddhist Master Spins Around For 152 Times To Bless Temple, Ends Up Vomiting On The Floor

"If that's blessing then I have been blessing places for years."

February 20, 2019
Boss Does Not Want His Pregnant Employee to Work Double Jobs. So He Surprised Her With THIS!Boss Does Not Want His Pregnant Employee to Work Double Jobs. So He Surprised Her With THIS!

Boss Does Not Want His Pregnant Employee to Work Double Jobs. So He Surprised Her With THIS!

How does a promotion and a cheque worth six months of pay sound as a maternity bonus?

May 8, 2015