A two-year-old boy from Guangzhou China survived after a power plug got stuck in his brain.
Sibling rivalry is common in every family. In this story, Elite Readers features a 7-year-old Chinese boy and his sister…
So amazing! This boy restores our faith in humanity!
A boy, who badly wanted a stuffed Panda, wrote a heartbreaking note on a box pleading other shoppers not to…
Surprisingly, his basketball player mother is even taller!
The army found this boy among refugees - alone, clutching his stomach, and obviously scared.
“Just a morning before school for him,” his father boasted after sharing the video online.
After a little boy lost his most treasured companion, a toy elephant, his parents turned to Reddit to cheer him…
And it was captured in the most perfect time ever!
A touching story of grief and misery defeated by an orphan 6 year old boy by making 33,000 people smile…
Parents, be extra cautious about those coin-sized batteries.
Thugs that value education LOL!
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