
This Soldier Used A GoPro Camera To Prove That His Wife Is Physically Abusing HimThis Soldier Used A GoPro Camera To Prove That His Wife Is Physically Abusing Him

This Soldier Used A GoPro Camera To Prove That His Wife Is Physically Abusing Him

Sometimes its hard to prove when a man claims he's a victim of domestic violence. This soldier thought he'd use…

September 25, 2015
He Created The First Digital Camera In 1975 But His Bosses Snubbed His Invention!He Created The First Digital Camera In 1975 But His Bosses Snubbed His Invention!

He Created The First Digital Camera In 1975 But His Bosses Snubbed His Invention!

Young inventor Steven Sasson first came up with the digital camera back in 1975. Sadly, his bosses at Kodak didn't…

September 10, 2015
This Lovely Lady Discovered A Spy Camera In Her Bathroom ShowerThis Lovely Lady Discovered A Spy Camera In Her Bathroom Shower

This Lovely Lady Discovered A Spy Camera In Her Bathroom Shower

Harmony Hachey was shocked to find out someone's been spying on her - through a camera on her bathroom shower!

September 7, 2015
Three-Month-Old Baby Left Blind in One Eye After Family Friend Took His PictureThree-Month-Old Baby Left Blind in One Eye After Family Friend Took His Picture

Three-Month-Old Baby Left Blind in One Eye After Family Friend Took His Picture

The camera's flash caused irreparable damage to the child's macula, the doctors said.

July 29, 2015
Shocked Mother Discovers Hidden Bathroom Camera in StarbucksShocked Mother Discovers Hidden Bathroom Camera in Starbucks

Shocked Mother Discovers Hidden Bathroom Camera in Starbucks

A young boy, while using the restroom with his mother, noticed a hidden camera under a sink in Starbucks.

July 16, 2015
Nikon’s Point and Shoot Camera’s Impressive Zoom Captures the Movement of the Moon!Nikon’s Point and Shoot Camera’s Impressive Zoom Captures the Movement of the Moon!

Nikon’s Point and Shoot Camera’s Impressive Zoom Captures the Movement of the Moon!

Who says you need a telescope to see the moon in detail?

July 5, 2015
Man Discovers Woman Secretly Living Inside the Vent of His Apartment, Shocking!Man Discovers Woman Secretly Living Inside the Vent of His Apartment, Shocking!

Man Discovers Woman Secretly Living Inside the Vent of His Apartment, Shocking!

The woman secretly lived inside the vent and went out every night to steal food and go through his stuff.

July 2, 2015
Mom Was Filming Her Child, Then This Creepy Creature Suddenly Appears!Mom Was Filming Her Child, Then This Creepy Creature Suddenly Appears!

Mom Was Filming Her Child, Then This Creepy Creature Suddenly Appears!

She decided to film her child when the kid started acting strange. Then she saw this!

May 30, 2015
Meet the World’s First ‘Pho-DOG-rapher’ Who Uses A Camera That Shoots Every Time It Gets Excited!Meet the World’s First ‘Pho-DOG-rapher’ Who Uses A Camera That Shoots Every Time It Gets Excited!

Meet the World’s First ‘Pho-DOG-rapher’ Who Uses A Camera That Shoots Every Time It Gets Excited!

The dog's camera is connected to a Bluetooth device that detects heart beat changes. When the heart beat increases, the…

May 26, 2015
After You Learn These 9 Camera Tricks. Your Pictures Will Always Look Awesome!After You Learn These 9 Camera Tricks. Your Pictures Will Always Look Awesome!

After You Learn These 9 Camera Tricks. Your Pictures Will Always Look Awesome!

I can't wait to try these tips! Where is my camera?!

March 22, 2015