What an incredible encounter!
These Japanese bamboo players took 'Smooth Criminal' to a whole new greatness level.
If you are in Japan, giving up your seat for the elderly is actually considered disrespectful.
This photographer decided to do something fun during his spare time - make mini Lego adventures and take photos of…
Instead of giving her a tip for the service she rendered, they wrote “LOL” and even added a harsh note…
Matthew Youlden will blow you away with his linguistic skills - because he can speak 9 languages fluently.
They sever the heads of thousands of animals every five years to appease the Hindu goddess Gadhimai.
Here are many interesting things you can only find in Japan.
Japan never fails to surprise us with its strange traditions and practices.
We're not sure why the trend did not catch on and reach modern times but would you be willing to…
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