The peculiar contents of a supposedly 14th-century grave baffled the archaeologists.
From moving tectonic plates to ancient underwater cities, prepare to get your mind blown with these amazing underwater discoveries!
A team of Japanese scientists spotted a new black hole that's about 100,000 times the size of our sun.
The seven-year-old girl looks kick-ass while holding the legendary sword.
The newly discovered species of frog spends nearly its entire adult life underground.
A golden discovery indeed.
The mysterious deep-sea fish had not been seen since 1873.
Ancient Chinese explorers may have been the first ones to reach the Americas.
It was smaller than the average man, too.
After their place was hit by a wild storm, residents discovered an ancient settlement in their midst.
The Lovers of Valdaro wowed the world when they were discovered in 2007.
Zealandia didn't materialize overnight, it's just been hidden underwater.
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