dog owners

Family’s Dog Is Too Old And Weak To Sleep Upstairs, So They Sleep With Him On The Couch Every NightFamily’s Dog Is Too Old And Weak To Sleep Upstairs, So They Sleep With Him On The Couch Every Night

Family’s Dog Is Too Old And Weak To Sleep Upstairs, So They Sleep With Him On The Couch Every Night

They will do anything to make sure Spike feels safe and loved everyday.

January 11, 2021
Woman Puts Her Dog On A Raw Food Diet And Intermittent FastingWoman Puts Her Dog On A Raw Food Diet And Intermittent Fasting

Woman Puts Her Dog On A Raw Food Diet And Intermittent Fasting

Complete with herbs, oils, and supplements!

December 27, 2020
Cruel Man Caught Repeatedly Throwing Greyhound Into Freezing Sea WaterCruel Man Caught Repeatedly Throwing Greyhound Into Freezing Sea Water

Cruel Man Caught Repeatedly Throwing Greyhound Into Freezing Sea Water

A man heartlessly threw his greyhound into a freezing sea only to fetch it back to shore and throw it…

November 14, 2017
Dog Lives In Luxury In His Fancy Doghouse His Human Tucked Under A StaircaseDog Lives In Luxury In His Fancy Doghouse His Human Tucked Under A Staircase

Dog Lives In Luxury In His Fancy Doghouse His Human Tucked Under A Staircase

This pitbull pup is living the life in a luxurious doghouse his owner built under the staircase.

November 10, 2017