He is indeed man's best friend!
You sir, are an inspiration!
Dogs are apparently capable of detecting illnesses with a sniff, and this pup used her ability to save her owner…
The images only prove that humans were already training and domesticating dogs in archaic times.
Whoever said daddies and selfies don't go well together!
A man heartlessly threw his greyhound into a freezing sea only to fetch it back to shore and throw it…
This pitbull pup is living the life in a luxurious doghouse his owner built under the staircase.
Our canine friends are smarter than you think.
Let's shed a new light to one of the most dangerous diseases that could inflict our furry friends.
#6 is too spot on!
People are bringing along their canine friends to protect them from threats while withdrawing from ATM machines.
According to the bride, the groom definitely “knew what he was getting himself into” when he decided to marry her.
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