This could be every dog owner's worst nightmare.
A loyal dog in Indonesia successfully protected his owner's home from thieves, but he ended up getting poisoned.
The guy even turned down the $1,000 reward.
Sometimes we, humans, have the tendency to misattribute dog emotions on human emotions.
What a funny sight!
This poor animal stays up to wait until his owner falls asleep. This is why...
Four aggressive dogs ready to tear each other apart. Turns out they are just all bark and no bite.
Loyal dog guards his injured friend on a freezing train track for two days.
She's finally found a home and a family she can call her own.
Freya the dog's been rejected for over 18,000 times. Now she's filming with Anthony Hopkins for Transformers 5.
When this German Shepherd Dog hears the song of his people, he does what any sensible dog would do and…
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