
19 Most Expensive Substances In the World and How Much They Cost19 Most Expensive Substances In the World and How Much They Cost

19 Most Expensive Substances In the World and How Much They Cost

You know the saying "worth their weight in gold?" Well, there are other substances out there that are rarer and…

October 25, 2016
‘Cannibal’ Drug Sparks Fears of ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ At Rio Olympics‘Cannibal’ Drug Sparks Fears of ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ At Rio Olympics

‘Cannibal’ Drug Sparks Fears of ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ At Rio Olympics

According to Brazilian police authorities, this drug "causes the user the effect of cannibalism."

August 16, 2016
Angry Mom Discovers ‘Drugs’ In Daughter’s Room, Gets Embarrassed To Find Out What It IsAngry Mom Discovers ‘Drugs’ In Daughter’s Room, Gets Embarrassed To Find Out What It Is

Angry Mom Discovers ‘Drugs’ In Daughter’s Room, Gets Embarrassed To Find Out What It Is

I seriously couldn't stop laughing! Poor mom LOL!

June 10, 2016
Getting High With Scorpions Is Apparently A Thing In PakistanGetting High With Scorpions Is Apparently A Thing In Pakistan

Getting High With Scorpions Is Apparently A Thing In Pakistan

The high would last for ten hours - the first six hours of which is described to be painful.

May 2, 2016
Mexican Drug Lord Heirs Show off Their Wealth in #Narco Instagram WarMexican Drug Lord Heirs Show off Their Wealth in #Narco Instagram War

Mexican Drug Lord Heirs Show off Their Wealth in #Narco Instagram War

This is what it's like to be the heir to Mexico's powerful drug lord cartels.

January 19, 2016
Indonesia Plans To Have Crocodile Prison Guards For Drug OffendersIndonesia Plans To Have Crocodile Prison Guards For Drug Offenders

Indonesia Plans To Have Crocodile Prison Guards For Drug Offenders

"You can't bribe crocodiles. You can't convince them to let inmates escape."

November 11, 2015
Police Warn Parents Against Drugs Disguised As Halloween CandiesPolice Warn Parents Against Drugs Disguised As Halloween Candies

Police Warn Parents Against Drugs Disguised As Halloween Candies

Your kid can be the next victim!

October 24, 2015
Watch What Happens to this Guy Who Injected Oil on Himself to Get Large MusclesWatch What Happens to this Guy Who Injected Oil on Himself to Get Large Muscles

Watch What Happens to this Guy Who Injected Oil on Himself to Get Large Muscles

He injected Synthol on himself and obtained a huge bicep filled with pus and oil.

July 6, 2015
To Overcome His Addiction, Barber Gives Free Haircut to Homeless People To Overcome His Addiction, Barber Gives Free Haircut to Homeless People 

To Overcome His Addiction, Barber Gives Free Haircut to Homeless People

In order to have a clean start, he gave homeless people clean cuts.

July 4, 2015
‘Demon Dog’ Captured in this Man’s Creepy Photo Helped Him Turn Away from His Addiction.‘Demon Dog’ Captured in this Man’s Creepy Photo Helped Him Turn Away from His Addiction.

‘Demon Dog’ Captured in this Man’s Creepy Photo Helped Him Turn Away from His Addiction.

Take a closer look at the image on his left shoulder.

May 7, 2015
21-year old Student Died After Ingesting Diet Pills That ‘Burned Her Up from the Inside’.21-year old Student Died After Ingesting Diet Pills That ‘Burned Her Up from the Inside’.

21-year old Student Died After Ingesting Diet Pills That ‘Burned Her Up from the Inside’.

She ingested eight diet pills that contain a toxic substance used as pesticide.

April 24, 2015