electric guitar

Man Transforms Dead Uncle’s Skeleton Into a Fully Functioning GuitarMan Transforms Dead Uncle’s Skeleton Into a Fully Functioning Guitar

Man Transforms Dead Uncle’s Skeleton Into a Fully Functioning Guitar

"Uncle Filip can shred for all eternity."

February 14, 2021
Awesome Guy Builds Electric Guitar Using 1,200 Colored PencilsAwesome Guy Builds Electric Guitar Using 1,200 Colored Pencils

Awesome Guy Builds Electric Guitar Using 1,200 Colored Pencils

"This was my first guitar I've ever built but I am more than satisfied with how it turned out."

February 5, 2019
Crazy Guy Shows Us How NOT To Make An Electric GuitarCrazy Guy Shows Us How NOT To Make An Electric Guitar

Crazy Guy Shows Us How NOT To Make An Electric Guitar

An electric guitar is “just a combination of guitar and electricity,” according to this guy.

October 5, 2018