
Woman’s Scrambled Egg Breakfast Gets Mercilessly Ridiculed Online As “Prison Food”Woman’s Scrambled Egg Breakfast Gets Mercilessly Ridiculed Online As “Prison Food”

Woman’s Scrambled Egg Breakfast Gets Mercilessly Ridiculed Online As “Prison Food”

“Hurry up there prisoner 861355, move along,” a netizen joked.

May 20, 2021
Woman Spends $27,000 A Year To Care For 88 Guinea PigsWoman Spends $27,000 A Year To Care For 88 Guinea Pigs

Woman Spends $27,000 A Year To Care For 88 Guinea Pigs

“I think we are helping change how people view guinea pigs around the world.”

April 26, 2021
Funny Mom Uses “Are You Kidding Me” Meme To Make Her Kids Pick Up Their MessFunny Mom Uses “Are You Kidding Me” Meme To Make Her Kids Pick Up Their Mess

Funny Mom Uses “Are You Kidding Me” Meme To Make Her Kids Pick Up Their Mess

"Sick of the sound of your own voice? This is my new strategy!"

April 16, 2021
Trump Will Soon Launch His Own Social Media Network, Says SpokespersonTrump Will Soon Launch His Own Social Media Network, Says Spokesperson

Trump Will Soon Launch His Own Social Media Network, Says Spokesperson

Trump is set to make his social media comeback - via his own platform!

March 25, 2021
Sleep-Deprived Neighbors Write Angry Letter To Complain Against ‘Noisy’ Next Door CoupleSleep-Deprived Neighbors Write Angry Letter To Complain Against ‘Noisy’ Next Door Couple

Sleep-Deprived Neighbors Write Angry Letter To Complain Against ‘Noisy’ Next Door Couple

Imagine hearing "loud moaning and groaning" in the middle of the night!

March 11, 2021
Texas Mayor Resigns After Telling Public “No One Owes You Anything” Amid Deadly Winter WeatherTexas Mayor Resigns After Telling Public “No One Owes You Anything” Amid Deadly Winter Weather

Texas Mayor Resigns After Telling Public “No One Owes You Anything” Amid Deadly Winter Weather

"I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout," he also said.

February 20, 2021
Man Dies From COVID-19 After Repeatedly Dismissing Pandemic As “Hype”Man Dies From COVID-19 After Repeatedly Dismissing Pandemic As “Hype”

Man Dies From COVID-19 After Repeatedly Dismissing Pandemic As “Hype”

His last post read “This covid sh*t sucks! I'm so out of breath just sitting here.”

July 16, 2020
Artist Creates Amazing 3D Graffiti That’s Absolutely Instagram-WorthyArtist Creates Amazing 3D Graffiti That’s Absolutely Instagram-Worthy

Artist Creates Amazing 3D Graffiti That’s Absolutely Instagram-Worthy

Imagine taking pictures with these awesome optical illusion street art!

June 29, 2020
Giant Tech Companies Are Imposing A Work-From-Home Agreement After Some Employees Get Infected With CoronavirusGiant Tech Companies Are Imposing A Work-From-Home Agreement After Some Employees Get Infected With Coronavirus

Giant Tech Companies Are Imposing A Work-From-Home Agreement After Some Employees Get Infected With Coronavirus

Following the spread of coronavirus in the United States, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have allowed their employees to work…

March 7, 2020
Woman Has Been Watering Plant for 2 Years, Discovers Its Actually Artificial!Woman Has Been Watering Plant for 2 Years, Discovers Its Actually Artificial!

Woman Has Been Watering Plant for 2 Years, Discovers Its Actually Artificial!

"I feel like these last two years have been a lie."

March 6, 2020
3-Year-Old Melts Hearts After Teaching Mom The True Meaning Of Forgiveness3-Year-Old Melts Hearts After Teaching Mom The True Meaning Of Forgiveness

3-Year-Old Melts Hearts After Teaching Mom The True Meaning Of Forgiveness

"Tonight I was taught a lesson in forgiveness by a three year old. It was a gut punch, too."

September 30, 2019
Bride-To-Be Unwittingly Swallowed Engagement Ring In Her SleepBride-To-Be Unwittingly Swallowed Engagement Ring In Her Sleep

Bride-To-Be Unwittingly Swallowed Engagement Ring In Her Sleep

She thought it was all a dream. Imagine her shock when she woke up!

September 17, 2019